Wednesday, 15 May 2013


So, I have met a few people on RoleplayGateway that play the Multi-player online battle arena (MOBA for short), League of Legends, or LoL for short. To make an understatement, LoL is popular


Yes. With Six servers worldwide, and 106 characters to play as, The League is growing.

So now that I've explained to you what league of legends is, why should you play?

Well, you shouldn't play without a team, this game is infamous for a toxic community. However, if you're playing with a group of friends, that's not a problem. Usually you can find buddies just by playing games, and having a good attitude, and going out of your way to chat with another player.

But this is where we can go past all of that. Here on RoleplayGateway, I see a fun medium to build even MORE FRIENDSHIPS!! That medium is roleplaying. Hey, you know what had a lot of lore and factions that you can create characters with, League of legends that's what. You know what go together really well! Chocolate and apples! as well as the aforementioned things!

So now that I'm done ranting about why you should take 4 hours to install such a time-consuming game, we're going to have a little sign-in sheet for people that already play league of legends. Don't worry, it's not going to be about ranking or anythig, we're going to take it easy.

Summoner Name: (your name here sCrUbS)
Fav Champs: (Go wild, put all of the champs if you want)
Preffered Role: (For queue purposes, we don't want 5 people in one match all wanting to play the same kind of champion.)
Attitude towards Playing LOL: (and how much damage trinity force does)

Summoner Name: Pulsetron
Fav Champs: Rengar, Jarvan IV, Cho'gath, Alistar
Preffered Role: Jungler
Attitude towards Playing LOL: We need to communicate, razercomms or skype is a good idea.

If anybody has a problem with this thread then make a motion to delete it (or just get it removed, if you have that power), I'm not sure if I'm out of line here or what.


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