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Posted Today, 12:14 PM
How do I implement a frequency counter in a treenode that increases when the user enters an existing word?I have a program where the user is asked to choose: enter string, search for string
My frequency counter is not working properly. How do I keep track of the frequencies for the left and right nodes? My frequency counter only gives for root:
public void insert(String item){ if(isEmpty()){ root = new TreeNode(item); System.out.println("inserted " + "'" + item + "'" + " into tree. Frequency: " + root.getFreq()); } // If string item already exists, do not insert another node, increase the frequency of the node containing the string else if(searchTree(root,item) == true){ root.upFreq(); System.out.println( "'" + item + "'" + " already exists! Frequency: " + root.getFreq()); //if the string does not already exists, enters string item into new node } else{ root.add(item); System.out.println("inserted " + "'" + item + "'" + " into tree! Frequency: " + root.getFreq()); } }
static boolean searchTree(TreeNode root, String item){ if(root == null){ return false; } if(root.item.equals(item)){ //root.upFreq(); return true; } return searchTree(root.left, item) || searchTree(root.right, item); }
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Replies To: count frequency of strings in java binary tree
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Re: count frequency of strings in java binary tree
Posted 47 minutes ago
Dude! How in the hell can your searchTree be static?!? Tell me TreeNode isn't public...Your searchTree is, um, disturbing. You should be going left or right, not returning left || right. You call it and seem to expect that root has meaning. It doesn't.
Implement a find item. Go from there:
private TreeNode findNode(TreeNode parent, String item) { /* your code here */ } private TreeNode insert(TreeNode parent, String item) { /* your code here */ } private boolean searchTree(String item) { return findNode(this.root, item)!=null; } public void insert(String item){ if(isEmpty()){ this.root = new TreeNode(item); System.out.println("inserted " + "'" + item + "'" + " into tree. Frequency: " + root.getFreq()); } else { TreeNode node = findNode(this.root, item); if(node!=null) { node.upFreq(); System.out.print( "'" + item + "'" + " already exists!"); } else { node = insert(this.root, item); System.out.print("inserted " + "'" + item + "'" + " into tree!"); } System.out.println(" Frequency: " + node.getFreq()); } }
Hope this helps.
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Re: count frequency of strings in java binary tree
Posted 29 minutes ago
Thanks, no the treenode was not public, and the static was a typo.....
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Re: count frequency of strings in java binary tree
Posted 18 minutes ago
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Source: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/318700-count-frequency-of-strings-in-java-binary-tree/
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