Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Anthia's 50 ways to take care of your health every 24 hours |


1. Work on your ideal day and week. What you would like to achieve or experience?
This could include: source, prepare and eat food, bathe/wash, relationship time, social friend/family time, sleep, travel, rest, hobby, exercise, shop, organise, tidy, clean etc

2. Create moments of presence and relaxation to allow for healing, repair and stress relief:
Bring your attention to your breathe, meditate by joining a class or simply focus on what it is that you are doing at that time e.g be mindful of chewing when eating. Come back to your self and from that space act, choose or be rather than live life by default or by reaction.

3. Words to live by ?The Four Agreements? a book by Don Miguel Ruiz:
a. Be impeccable with your word
b. Don?t take anything personally
c. Don?t make assumptions
d. Always do your best

4. Become an observer of your thoughts as they are just thoughts. Have compassion with out judgement about your thoughts and ask where these thoughts have come from e.g whose thoughts are they (mother, father, family, society, friends, marketing, culture or religion)?

5. Make time to educate yourself on taking care of self. Be discerning with information.

6. Become mindful of breathing. Through the nose, mouth closed and deep diaphragmatic breathing. Healthy breathing offers oxygenation for energy, detoxification and regulating acid/alkaline pH.

7. Walk amongst trees or through a park: Plants breathe out the oxygen we breathe in. They are our partners in life. They breathe Co2 that we breathe out.

8. Be mindful of what you are breathing in: Remove yourself from toxic smells or chemicals. Look at the ingredients of products you use: beauty, cleaning and in your environment.

9. Hydrate for energy, detoxification, absorption, lubrication and inflammation. 3% of your body weight = the number of litres required per day. Drink more if exercising. Water or herbal teas are best. Drink 1 glass upon rising, 1 before breakfast, 1 before lunch, 1 before dinner and 1 cup before bed. Drink another 3 cups in between meals. OVViO Organic Herbal Tea examples: Paddington Tea, Vanilla Lemon Heaven Tea, Rise & Shine Tea or Minty Tea for sugar cravings and energy levels, Peace Tea for Relaxation and Nourish Tea for tummy upset. http://www.ovvioorganics.com.au/shop

10. Put a sprinkling of Natural salt in your drinking water: This adds minerals and aids hydration of water into the cells.

11. Eat whole, unprocessed, organic foods. Choose from sustainable sources and prepare well. My quintessential guides: http://www.ovvioorganics.com.au/shop/anthias-ebooks

12. Avoid:
a. Sugar and sweeteners (natural or artificial)
b. Flour unless it is lacto fermented or sourdoughed
c. Vegetable oils (canola, sunflower, safflower, sesame seed, rice bran, corn, soybean and cottonseeds oils)
d. Milk solids, milk powder or non organic milk
e. Added extra gluten
f. Soy (soy lecithin or flour) or any soy protein alternatives
g. Corn: starch, maize, flour, high fructose corn syrup
h. Potato starch
i. Egg powder
j. Refined salt
k. Artificial additives including preservatives, sweeteners etc
l. Synthetic supplements and also those found in foods and fluids.

13. Eat grass fed and grass finished organic meat: beef, lamb, game, organ meats, poultry, fish (not farmed) and shellfish from unpolluted waters.

14. Choose eggs from an open range farm where chickens get clean air and water, sunlight, roam free and peck at grass, grubs, dirt and grains.

15. Dairy: Full-fat milk products from pasture-fed and finished cows, goat and sheep, organic whole milk, cheese, whole yogurt, kefir, cultured butter, whole cheeses and fresh and sour cream. Dilute full fat milk with water if it is a little too heavy for your digestion (rather than drinking low fat milk or skim).

16. Use animal fats in cooking: fat leftover from cooking meats and especially organic butter. Use to cook with or to add to steamed vegetables. Avoid margarine and vegetable oils. Fat sustains your energy levels and appetite, feel fuller longer and helps with fat loss.

17. Use extra virgin olive oil raw in salad dressings or cooking on low to medium heat. Organic & cold pressed.

18. Use extra virgin coconut oil raw in salad dressings, in smoothies or yoghurt and fruit or cooking on low to medium heat.
Excellent for heart disease prevention and fat loss, energy levels, increase muscle mass and strengthen immune system.

19. Eat organic fresh fruits and vegetables: steamed, raw in salads, baked or in soups. Dress with fats eg avocado or olive oil or butter. Avoid canned, frozen or dried. Avoid starchy types for fat loss, that is, all below ground. Cook oxalic acids (bind minerals) rich vegetables eg chard, silverbeet, spinach cook the Brassica vegetable family (depress thyroid function) eg cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage or broccoli etc

20. Avoid all processed gluten containing grains found as cereal, bread, pasta, cakes and biscuits and any ready to eat products or products which contain flour.

21. Eat pseudo cereals instead of gluten containing grains such as whole quinoa, buckwheat or amaranth. Eat spelt and kamut sourdough or Sprouted bread but keep to a minimum of 2 per week for purposes of fat loss. Soaking/sprouting or lacto fermenting or sourdough rids phytic acids, which bind to Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn.

22. Snack on nuts (buy raw, unroasted and unsalted) that have been prepared by soaking overnight in water and sea salt to neutralize phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors and other anti-nutrients. Or buy ready made ones called TODIE4 Nuts. Snack on cheese and apples or pears, yoghurt, hard boiled eggs, left overs, home made dips and vegetable sticks.

23. Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of chicken, beef, lamb and fish and use liberally in soups, stews, gravies and sauces. Use ? cup of apple cider vinegar to help leach minerals from bone into stock.

24. Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.

25. Use unprocessed natural salt to stimulate digestion, enhance flavour in foods and aids in hydration. Avoid table salt.

26.Use dried and fresh dried herbs and spices in cooking. Nature?s natural food enhancers and flavours. No premade condiments or sauce. Make your own salad dressings.

27. Make a whole food smoothie with whole raw eggs, whole milk, Stevia or berries for sweetness, coconut oil or raw cocoa or vanilla/cinnamon powder.

28. Use sweet spices to sweeten foods: vanilla bean, cinnamon or Stevia green powder. Use minimal amounts of raw honey or maple syrup. Avoid sugar.

29. Make a pate every 1-2 weeks. Nutrient dense food from organic chicken/duck livers.

30.Cook at temperatures no higher than 120 Celsius. For steaks or chops: sear for 1-2 minutes on both sides at high temps and allow to rest on a plate covered in foil for rare or for medium or well done cook further in the oven at 120C.

31. Cook and store only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or enamel.

32. Reduce or avoid caffeine found in drinks, teas, foods or processed chocolate.

33. Reduce or avoid alcohol to only 1 -2 per week.

34.Eat high quality chocolate only that is without soy lecithin or vegetable oil or milk solids or sugar.

35. Chew food until liquid before you put more food in your mouth. This will aid digestion. Eat slowly and in a relaxed state.

36. Avoid drinking with meals. Drink before or in between meals and only take small sips during a meal if you are thirsty.

37. Wind down with the sun, asleep by 10pm and wake at sunrise for restoration and rejuvenation of the body.

38. Walk daily for 20-40 minutes in fresh air and other exercises: from an Exercise and Lifestyle Coach that follows these
principles. Ask me for recommendations.

39.Cleanse seasonally. This will help you stay on track, free of disease, keep you educated and feel wonderfully exuberant in health and happiness. http://www.ovvioorganics.com.au/seasonal-cleanse-2012

40. Email Anthia, your Naturopath with questions anthia@ovvioorganics.com.au or book in on 9380 7863

Source: http://www.ovvioorganics.com.au/anthias-50-ways-to-take-care-of-your-health-every-24-hours

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